“We did it “wrong” with cars, we did it “wrong” with planes, let’s do it “right” with drones”.
The concept of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) has been coined to describe a new type of air traffic, at scale, at very low altitude above populated areas, that will cover a wide diversity of potential urban air services. Drones are already in place and numerous ongoing pilot projects, on their potential for medical cases have taken place in various European-funded projects. Full exploitation of UAM technologies can also be a response to current international challenges such as climate change, COVID-19 consequences or financial and energy crises derived from recent geopolitical crisis.

ImAFUSA is a research project funded by the Horizon Europe Programme and managed by the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking initiative.
The mission of ImAFUSA is to provide insights in three major areas influencing societal acceptance. Environmental impact which includes, noise, visual pollution and air quality, safety and socioeconomic impact which includes, affordability, accessibility, economic development, public space use and connectivity.
In order to measure the above, ImAFUSA will develop mathematical formulas and algorithms in order to quantify innovative performance indicators, which will contribute to the designation of Sustainable Urban Air Mobility Indicators (SUAMI). This will allow stakeholders to make more informed, responsible, sustainable and socially accepted decisions and establish Europe as an international leader in sustainable aviation.
ImAFUSA is driven by UAM technology potential, oriented towards citizen-centred U-space utilisation. At the same time, it is focusing on the delivery of tools for UAM decision-makers to assess the impact of UAM in their regions and their associated U-space capacity.
Set a data-driven and citizen-inclusive framework for the impact and capacity assessment of UAM in the urban context, in order to assist decision and policy-making of city stakeholders, as part of strategic UAM planning.
Provide decision-makers with methods that can quantify the environmental, safety, societal and economic impact of UAM.
Map current practices, performance areas and related indicators used in aviation impact and capacity assessment to identify transferable best practices.
Designate innovative KPIs that address UAM impact on the environment, the society and the economy and prepare the integration of the holistic impact and capacity assessment framework with a set of algorithms that will encompass all the indicators.
Provide insights on the main barriers of UAM acceptance currently identified through the data collection from citizens with immersive experiences, in order to decompose citizens ́ perspectives on noise, ground safety and visual pollution.
Address social perception of safety and visual pollution through a virtual reality environment.
Measure the cost efficiency of UAM city applications in conjunction with the societal, environmental impacts and trade offs.
Identification of the importance of criteria to be used in trajectory multiobjective optimization.
Provide insights and tools for UAM infrastructure development.
Validate the ImAFUSA framework and and tools in a simulation environment that will virtualise future U- space use scenarios of real use cases developed by our city partner.
The SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking is an institutionalised European private-public partnership set up to accelerate through research and innovation the delivery of the Digital European Sky. The partnership is developing cutting-edge technological solutions to manage conventional aircraft, drones, air taxis and vehicles flying at higher altitudes. The SESAR 3 JU partnership brings together the EU, Eurocontrol, and more than 50 organisations covering the entire aviation value chain, from airports, airspace users of all categories, air navigation service providers, drone operators and service providers, the manufacturing industry and scientific community. The partnership also works closely with the regulatory and standardisation bodies, notably EASA and Eurocae, as well as key stakeholders, such as professional staff organisations, the space and military communities and global partners. www.sesarju.eu