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Aviation Twin Transition Cluster

a European initiative for a sustainable future

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The REFMAP and ImAFUSA projects have joined forces to drive climate neutrality and digital transformation in aviation, forming the Aviation Twin Transition Cluster.


“If you are part of an EU-funded project focused on new digital aviation technologies, business models, or services for aircraft, we invite you to collaborate with us!”


We are seeking collaboration in various areas, including joint promotional and dissemination efforts, sharing expertise and technical innovations, and co-organising workshops and events.


We aim to leverage synergies with other EU initiatives to create European digital platforms that provide insights and analytics for citizens, businesses, and policymakers.


Funded by the European Commission, members of the Aviation Twin Transition Cluster are working to develop and demonstrate new technologies that further digitalise and automate the European aviation sector. Our vision is to make aviation greener, more circular, and globally competitive.


Our goals are:

  • To enable new European business models and products with minimal environmental impact and opportunities for European competitiveness.

  • To transform digital aviation and space technologies as well as Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS).

  • To enable new services with pronounced societal impact for intermodal and multimodal transport, search and rescue operations, fast response to natural disasters, freight, firefighting, high altitude earth data-services, agriculture and forestry.

  • To leverage new aviation products and services that exploit Artificial Intelligence and have pronounced impact to productivity, efficiency, automation and cost reduction.

  • To minimise the risks risks posed by emerging threats to aviation such as cybersecurity, COVID-19, extreme weather conditions (e.g. temperature change, wind patterns). 

  • To leverage technologies that address applications in difficult to access areas, including the open sea emergency response, avalanches, landslides and floods are within the scope of the topic.

  • To exploit synergies with aviation, space and defence.

The Cluster will operate via Working Groups in which researchers, policy makers and practitioners from the industry can participate thus fostering interdisciplinary discussion to investigate any topic of their choice. The Aviation Twin Transition Cluster offers an inclusive, pan-European environment for individuals of all levels of seniority to grow their professional research networks and boost their careers, while creating networking opportunities and a platform to discuss ideas and complex problems in a targeted way, across a large geographical area.


The Aviation Twin Transition Cluster will:
  • act as a hub for information exchange and training

  • promotes networking among its members and strengthen idea exchange by developing best practices

  • engage in communication campaign aiming at raising awareness on research outcomes that can make aviation greener and more digital

  • serve as a conduit to requisite expertise or relevant projects, whether at the national, European, or international level.

Our projects


RefMAP seeks to minimize the environmental impact of air travel for both airlines and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) by developing a digital service that optimizes flight trajectories on micro and macro levels.


COLOSSUS will develop a system-of-systems design methodology which for the first time will enable the combined optimization of aircraft, operations and business models. Resulting specific solutions for intermodal transport and wildfire-fighting as well as developed methods and tools will be openly published in order to foster exploitation for research and industry.


AIRSHIP is a Horizon Europe funded project (GA 101096487) that envisions an innovative use of a known transportation mean: flying ships. Such vehicles (also known as ekranoplans or wing-in-ground -WIG vehicles) inherit all the advantages of conventional airborne transportation, while being more energy efficient and environmentally friendly, both from the carbon footprint and the acoustic noise pollution point of view. AIRSHIP aims to lay the foundations of a new class of fully electrical unmanned aircraft system, the UWV (Unmanned WIG Vehicle) that brings together speed, flexibility and energy efficiency.

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This project is co-funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101114776 and supported by the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking and its founding members.​
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or SESAR 3 JU. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.​


This project is supported by the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking and its founding members.​

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