Municipality of Egaleo (EGK) is amongst the oldest in Greece and is inhabited by 100.000 people. Its strategic plan includes 5 axes of priorities for service development: Environment and Quality of Life, Social Policy- Education-Culture and Sports, Local Economy-Employment, Administrative and Financial Sufficiency, Local Democracy and Participation. The Municipality funds, organizes and develops initiatives in the fields of culture and sports as well as on issues of social policy, technological modernization of services and civic protection. For these causes, it operates infrastructures like the Municipal Theatre, the Intellectual Centre, the Art Lab and many other athletic facilities. For the support of its vulnerable citizens, Egaleo also operates Geriatric Homes, the Counselling Centre and the Municipal Day Nurseries. In the city there is also the Egaleo Grove, regarded as the largest green space in Western Attica, where citizens have an open space at their disposal. Furthermore, Egaleo has stablished a Business Innovation Hub and to foster innovation and skill transfer between local SMEs and citizens.Finally, the Municipality of Egaleo is experienced with European projects, mainly Horizon (5GESSENCE, 5GENESIS, 5G!Drones, RESPOND-A, TransformAR, C2IMPRESS etc.) and Erasmus+ (QSER, UAMschool4Cities, Urban Youth Gardens), orientated in technology, environment, civic support and social inclusion. It mainly acts as a test-bed for the technological novelties developed during projects and as a disseminator.
Role in the project
In ImAFUSA, the Municipality of Egaleo (EGL) has many roles. First, it contributes to the project management and also the communication, dissemination and exploitation activities. It will also contribute to the construction of the UAM assesment tool by working on the gaps analysis and the exploratory research plan, the user needs analysis, the creation of the booklet of use cases and the creation of the concept outline which will define several operational and fuctional (and non functional) requirements. EGL will also contribute to the design of the ImAFUSA Observatory and the presentation of a theoretical framework for holistic UAM impact and capacity assessment, considering new indicators (environmental, socioeconomic and safety impact assessment indicators). All activities related to the ImAFUSA Observatory will take place at the physical facilities of the municipality of Egaleo (Citizens will be exposed to real-time UAM demonstrations in specific areas of the city of Egaleo- at a square, at the Municipal park and at an idustrial zone). Also, in order to produce guidelines for decision-making process using ImAFUSA framework, decision makers from EGL and UAM stakeholders will participate in a dynamic workshop during which the significance of the suggested indicators will be discussed and a consensus on the final importance weight of each indicator will be quantified.