The third edition of the QuietDrones Conference 2024 is organised by the Acoustics Research Centre of the University of Salford, a partner in the ImAFUSA project, and will be held in Manchester (UK) from 8 to 11 September 2024. Building upon the successful QuietDrones conferences in 2020 and 2022, the organisers are excited to welcome participants to the upcoming event. As a renowned institution in the field of acoustics research, the University has always been at the forefront of cutting-edge acoustics research. QuietDrones 2024 is particularly exciting as it takes on a hybrid format, blending the best of virtual and in-person experiences.
Since the first edition of the conference (QuietDrones 2020), the organisers have witnessed significant changes and advancements in drone and VTOL acoustics. Governments and regulatory bodies around the world now recognise the importance of addressing the noise impact of drones on both urban and rural environments.

The University of Salford, in the framework of the ImAFUSA research partnership, has organised meticulous technical sessions to delve into the crucial factors that determine the acceptance of urban air mobility (UAM) by citizens. These sessions include noise measurement techniques, the impact of UAM on communities, human response to UAM noise, engagement, and perception. ImAFUSA will play an integral role in the panel discussions, offering its expertise in UAS/UAM noise regulation, and also in community noise assessment and management.
One of the highlights of QuietDrones 2024 is the workshop on “Perception Influenced Design for Aircraft Noise” which will be also organised on 8 September 2024 in collaboration with Dr. Siddhartha Krishnamurthy (NASA Langley). This workshop offers a valuable platform for experts and enthusiasts to share insights and explore innovative approaches to designing Advanced Air Mobility (AAM).
QuietDrones 2024 will focus on several hot topics that are critical to advancing our understanding of drones and their impact on soundscapes. These topics include:
· Propeller, Rotorcraft, and Motor Noise
· Urban Air Mobility/Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Electric Aircraft Noise
· Noise Control
· Noise Measurement – Field and Laboratory
· Standards and Regulations
· Auralisation and Acoustic Simulation
· Human response to Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Noise
· Human response to Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Noise
· Community Noise Impact, Engagement and Perception
· Noise Management of Commercial UAS/UAM Operations
· Acoustic Detection and Identification of UAS
· Drone Audition – Listening with Drones
QuietDrones 2024 promises to be an enlightening and transformative event. By bringing together researchers, industry professionals, and enthusiasts, we can bridge gaps, foster collaborations, and push the boundaries of knowledge in the field of acoustics of unconventional aircraft. As we continue to explore and understand the acoustic signals produced by drones and other advanced air mobility systems, we are paving the way for a quieter and more sustainable future in the skies.
The call for abstracts is now open! You can check this link: https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/stages/18852/submitter
Join us at the symposium and be part of this remarkable journey.
For further details, you can stay updated by following our social media and checking the news section of the project’s website.